Good Interview Blog

Grace Buckley
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

With all of the public interviewers at easy access, they key to standing out is tricky. An interviewer’s job is not as easy as some may think by sitting down with someone without preparation and asking questions to the interviewee on the spot. An interviewer has to be prepared to ask burning questions that the public wants to know.

A good interview includes a prepared interviewer and a vulnerable interviewee. The interviewer has to ask questions that the answers are not found on the internet. The questions asked need to spark emotion in the interviewee to bring out honest words that the internet has not seen before from that individual.

The interviewee is just as important as the interviewer. The interviewer can ask all the right questions, but if the interviewee is not responsive, then the interview would be one that no one would watch. The qualities of an interviewee should be honest, open, vulnerable, and confident.

The interview between Oprah Winfrey and former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama was a good interview because of the honesty they all shared. One strength of the interview was how Oprah asked questions about news had just been released which allowed the public to see Obama’s emotions towards the subject. One weakness of the interview was how Barack Obama did most of the talking, and Michelle Obama was not asked many direct questions.

The interview between Winfrey and the Obama’s allowed the American people to received education and point of view during entertainment. Individuals who are policy focused in politics were able to see the emotions of the former President and relate to his humanness because of this interview. Oprah was able to bring politics into her entertainment show while adding entertainment with comical relief.

